How to Survive Infidelity in a Marriage

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Surviving infidelity can be the hardest thing you’ll have to do, but if you love the other person very much, it’s totally worth it, at least if they don’t end up doing it again. It’s also important to take into consideration that you can’t overcome infidelity on your own, you and your partner need to work together to rebuild the relationship/marriage.

While marriage can survive after an affair, I won’t lie to you and tell you it isn’t going to be very hard and challenging. There will be moments when you feel like giving up, or that you can’t take it anymore, that it’s not worth it. In order to overcome those moments, both of you must work together on rebuilding the trust, repairing the damage, and reconnecting.

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But some things you just can’t control. Your partner/spouse needs to end the affair, offer you all the details about it, answer all of your questions, be very honest with you, and make effort to prove that they’re trustworthy.

The betrayed spouse must focus on healing and let it all out, without trying to hide or minimize their feelings. Also, it’s important to understand that you can’t speed the healing process. It will take some time until things will get back to normal in your relationship.

There will be a lot of phases, you’ll have to deal with anger, despair, overwhelming sadness, curiosity, blame, and many other negative feelings. The good part, however, is that you’re strong enough to overcome them all. You won’t feel like this forever, that’s for sure.

Read on to discover how to survive infidelity in a marriage, and learn how to regain the other person’s trust again!

Make sure to also check: What You Should Never Say to Someone Going Through A Divorce.

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