Can Jealousy Be Healthy In A Relationship?

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10.You have passive-aggressive behavior.

Jealousy could lead to sarcastic comments, frequent complaints, childish behavior, and refusing to discuss certain topics with your partner. A good option would be being honest about your feelings and opening to your partner about how you feel. While it can be hard to handle jealousy, it’s certainly not impossible.

Here are 10 Signs You’re In An Emotionally Abusive Relationship and It’s Time to Get Out.


11.You try to control your partner.

The desire to control your partner usually comes from excessive jealousy, and it can ruin your relationship if you don’t do anything about it. Controlling someone can have many forms. Some people choose to invade other people’s privacy by reading their text messages, emails, or other private conversations on social media.

There are also those people that are not ok with their partner going anywhere without them, or hanging out with certain people. At the same time, others forbid their partner from wearing certain clothes while going out. Either way, excessive jealousy could transform you into a controlling partner.

According to Dr. Parmar, if you jump to conclusions every time your partner doesn’t answer the phone immediately, it might be a sign that your behavior is toxic and you need to do something about it as soon as possible before it ruins your relationship.

How to Trust Your Partner Again After Betrayal. CLICK HERE to read more about this topic.

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