Can Jealousy Be Healthy In A Relationship?

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1.Can jealousy be healthy in a relationship?

Healthy and strong relationships usually consist of trust, mutual respect, communication, commitment, and compassion. According to Dr. Leena Magavi, M.D., of Community Psychiatry, the fear of losing someone you love causes all these positive feelings to transform into fear, which often leads to jealousy.

Depending on how you look at it, jealousy can be a good thing, because it means you’re in for the long ride and want something serious. As Dr. Magavi has explained, jealousy can be a good thing when handled properly, because it means you really care for the other person and you’re actually afraid of losing them.

Sometimes people get jealous when their partners give attention to other people because they want to be in the center of attention. Healthy jealousy is when it makes your relationship stronger, rather than destroying it.

Needless to say, jealousy can be very ugly when you don’t know how to deal with it. A lot of relationship fights are caused by excessive jealousy and it’s a sign of a toxic environment. If you or your partner (or both) are very jealous types and always fight over the most unimportant things, it would be recommended to slow down and check-in with yourself.

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