Can Jealousy Be Healthy In A Relationship?

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2.How can you recognize healthy jealousy?

Healthy jealousy is a healthy emotion that contributes to personal growth. It means you’ve matured enough to come to terms with your own insecurities and flaws and you’re choosing to focus on improving yourself. When you reach that phase, you’ll find it easier to be more open with your partner and have a better understanding of one another.

Read also: 10 Signs Your Partner Is Not The One.

The signs of healthy jealousy:


3.You’re aware of it.

The first and most important step to healthy jealousy is acknowledging it. It’s important to let your partner know how you feel and learn to open up, but also understand the fact that everything begins with you.

When you’re not even aware of it or don’t want to acknowledge the fact that you are jealous, your partner won’t be able to do anything about it, and you’ll end up even more frustrated. Sharing your insecurities with your significant other is a sign of courage.

Here are 10 Signs That Indicate You Have Intimacy Issues.

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