10 Ways in Which Stress Can Damage Your Relationship

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3.You don’t have enough ‘me-time’.

Since your life is so busy, you probably don’t have enough time for yourself. Getting caught up in a daily routine, splitting your time between work, other responsibilities, and your partner, you might feel like you’re neglecting spending time with yourself.

If you never have time to do the things you want to do, or you feel like you get overwhelmed very easily, it could be a sign that you’re stressed. You need to learn to prioritize your time in such a way that you have time for yourself as well.

According to Aniesa Schneberger, MA, a licensed mental health counselor who is also the founder of Tampa Life Change, it’s important not to let day-to-day issues affect the relationship you have with your significant other.

However, make sure to plan some me-time, because you need it as well. It would be helpful to schedule a few hours a week just for yourself. It’s up to you how you choose to spend those hours, you can either read a book, watch a TV show you like, talk to a friend on the phone, take a walk in nature or just sit quietly while doing nothing.

And no, you’re not selfish for including some ‘me-time’ in your routine. After all, if you’re not spending enough time with yourself you’ll end up affecting your couple’s time, which could damage your relationship over time.

Make sure to also check: If Your Partner Is Using These Two Words, A Breakup Might Be Inevitable.

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