When you are in a relationship with someone and it seems like everything is simply great between the two of you, there is no reason to think that someday, that person might disappear from your life.
Unfortunately, things like this happen all the time and this phenomenon is called ghosting. The explanation for this is that someone stays with you for a certain period of time, with a purpose in their minds.
When they don’t want anything from you anymore, they don’t say anything concrete, but they just withdraw from your life. There are some subtle signs that announce what’s going to happen next, but if you don’t pay attention to them, you might miss them.
We’ve talked to several relationship experts to find out more regarding this unpleasant topic. With that being said, here are 7 signs someone is actually ghosting you!

1. No discussions about the future
When you are part of a strong and serious relationship, it is absolutely normal to engage in discussion about the future, as the whole thing between you two progresses.
However, if your relationship seems to head in a good direction, but your partner refuses to talk about your future, that’s actually a red flag. They might be scared to be a part of something that serious or they might plan to disappear soon. Whatever the reason might be, this is the first sign of ghosting.
2. They keep secrets from you
Even though everyone is entitled to have as much privacy as needed, when your partner is keeping secrets from you it’s not good. When two people are in love and they are involved in something that is going to last, they usually talk to each other about many things and they engage in all kinds of conversations.
If you notice that your partner is always secretive and they don’t want to talk to you about how their day went, this is a very big red flag. They can give off the impression that they have something up their sleeves and can easily ruin the whole thing between you two.
3. Bedroom time is all that matters
Besides great communication, passion, honesty, support, loyalty, and love, intimacy is another important factor when it comes to relationships.
If the person you’re seeing only cares about having a good time in the bedroom, it means that this is the only thing that makes them stay with you. Unfortunately, when they get bored, they end the relationship without even telling you why.

4. They don’t make plans with you
When you care about someone, you want to spend as much time as possible with that person. This means that you want to make plans together to go somewhere or to do something you are interested in.
However, if you try to come up with ideas on what to do and your partner is always refusing you or coming up with excuses of why they can’t join you, this is a sign that they are soon enough going to ghost you.
5. They ignore your texts
It’s not complicated to surf the Internet, play games, or watch videos and not even notice when you receive a text. On the other hand, this is not something that happens all the time. If that text or the person who sent it is important, you take the time to answer the text.
If you date someone who is always on their phones but they don’t respond to your messages or texts, this is a sign of disrespect and it’s also an indicator that they might leave you soon.
6. You have a feeling
Sometimes, feelings can tell you what you need to know, but you are not aware of it yet. If you have a bad or strange feeling when you think of your partner, this is not something that you can avoid. If you sense that you are about to feel sad or to be disappointed by them, you are more than likely right.
7. They don’t call or text you
Another red flag that might indicate your loved one is going to ghost you is the fact that they are no longer texting or calling you like they used to do.
Even though people can get busy at times, if they care about someone, they will make the time to reach out. If you notice that your partner doesn’t say anything unless you start the conversation, or they send you monosyllabic texts, it might be an indicator that your relationship is not working anymore.
…If you want to know more about relationships and love topics in general, make sure to check this article out as well: 6 Romantic Gestures Women Actually Hate!