…Have you ever heard the phrase “relationship goals”? Have you ever used it in a conversation?
This is a popular hashtag on social media and people have started to use it in almost all of their couple pictures since the moment it was created. In the beginning, this was associated with photos of people who were on a date, who were holding hands, or who were cuddling or kissing.
However, this hashtag created many issues in ordinary people’s love life. Many of them believe that if they don’t engage in activities like the ones that are on social media, their relationship is not one that can be considered goals.

This whole relationship goals trend that occurred on the Internet made a lot of couples question their values and their overall romantic gestures. As a result, many partners started to act in different ways around each other and even change some of their habits.
Even though we might think that some of these changes are actually positive, according to some studies on several women, some of these expressions are not actually females’ cups of tea.
Here are 8 romantic gestures women actually hate.
…Crazy or not, people are very interested in social media trends. Did you know about any of them? Tell us in the comments down below!

1. Kissing them during an argument
There are many scenes in romantic movies when a man kisses his girlfriend mid-sentence. In reality, this is only a cute way to make her shut up.
According to studies, there are many males who make this kind of gesture when they are usually in the middle of an argument. Some of them have stated that their partners didn’t say anything and found the kiss romantic, while others said that their loved ones felt offended.
As it turns out, the majority of women don’t actually like this action and it can make them even angrier. However, women can really hate this. Because this romantic gesture is also considered a kiss to get you to shut up, and this can offend a woman.
Men do not need to interrupt a woman who is expressing her thoughts and feelings, especially during an argument. The shut-up kiss is a shortcut and shortcuts are not the solutions to fixing a couple’s problem; hear her out.

2. The usual Valentine’s Day gifts
It seems like there is a “gift uniform” when it comes to what to buy women on this special day. The majority of men tend to choose a nice bouquet of flowers, a box of chocolates, and a stuffed animal.
However, it seems that most of them hate these kinds of gifts, due to the fact that flowers die quickly, chocolate makes them gain weight, and teddy bears are for children.
In addition to that, most women believe that this is a gift suitable for a teenager, not for someone who is involved in a long-lasting relationship with a mature partner.
…What do you think about the usual Valentine’s Day gifts? Do you agree with us or not?

3. Random visits in the shower
This might come as a surprise, but many women believe that repeated random visits in the shower are actually pretty unpleasant! Even though they enjoy it when their partners join them in the shower, if they do that too much, they tend to get uncomfortable!
That is because most women have their own rituals when they are in the bathroom. It’s best to just wait.
However, if you still want to pay your wife a quick visit, you should do so after she’s done with her shower routine and everyone will be happy!

4. Being too cheesy
Even though romantic gestures are nice and very appreciated, when men are too cheesy, women can get uncomfortable. Singing love songs in public, sending her flowers and chocolates at her workplace, or dancing in the rain, might be a bit overwhelming.
Men can do things like that from time to time, but not every day, because they won’t be special anymore.
5. Too much affection in public
Women like to receive affection, but that doesn’t mean they want to expose their personal life in public. If they are at a restaurant, on public transportation, in a park, or somewhere in a public area, they don’t really want to be hugged all the time.
That is because they tend to wonder what the people around them might think and they can feel embarrassed. Holding her hand in public is enough to make her feel loved, protected, and appreciated.

6. Surprise visits
If you’ve watched a lot of romantic movies, you’ve surely seen many scenes where males used to surprise their girlfriends by showing up at their doors with some breakfast and coffee.
Even though this might be cute at first, it’s actually inappropriate to do it all the time. That is because everyone has their own plans and schedule for the day and a random visit can mess with their timetable.
The same rule applies if you surprise a woman at her workplace as well. She might be happy to see you there for the first time, but if you turn this cute gesture into a habit, she might get annoyed.
You can’t know if she has a lot of things to do, if she wants to go out with her colleagues, or if she can’t take a break at the moment. If you want to surprise her, you have to make sure that you call or text her before coming over, to ensure that she is available.

7. Pretending to be perfect for her
If we think about it, we have to admit that usually, women have an image of the perfect partner in their minds. If you’ve watched the Disney movie Aladdin, you surely remember that he found that princess Jasmine was told to marry a rich prince.
Aladdin fell deeply in love with her and he knew that he was going to be happy with such a beautiful, calm, and smart girl. In order to be sure that he has a chance with her, he decided to lie and pretend that he is a very wealthy prince.

Of course, Jasmine fell in love with him as well, not because he had money, but because he had a pure heart.
…What is the moral of the story?
Even though she might have an idea of a perfect partner in mind, men shouldn’t be so obsessed with trying to meet her needs, because they won’t be able to pretend forever.
One day or another, the truth will come out and both of them will be upset and tired from all the conflict that might occur in a situation like this.
…Have you ever pretended to be someone else for a woman that you had feelings for?

8. Oversharing on social media
It is nice to post cute and romantic pictures on social media, but within a limit. There is no need for posting several photos a day, leaving her comments, or messages on her wall, saying out loud how much you love her, or adding the hashtag #relationshipgoals.
Do you know the popular quote “A picture is worth a thousand words?”. It is actually true. You can let the whole world know how much you love your partner by posting a single photo where you two looked happy.
…If you want to learn more about women, men or relationships, make sure to check this article out as well: 4 Ways COVID Changed Your Love Life!
1 thought on “8 Things Men Do That Annoy Women”
maybe the woman should date herself or another women then she will be happy .