Myths About Sex We All Believed At Some Point

Photo by Ternavskaia Olga Alibec from

Growing up, you surely stumbled upon some crazy myths about making love. Some of them have a little bit of truth, while others are just ridiculous; like who invented them? At least, we can all say that they were really creative. Some were rumors spreaders, and some were just firmly believers.

A lot of kids back in the day used to believe these things before starting to learn the scientific facts about making love.

If you want to feel a little nostalgic and remember the good old days or if you just want a moment of laugh, you know what you need to do: just keep on reading.

Here you go: the funniest and craziest myths about making love.

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1. When people wanted to make love they would just get in bed in their birthday suits and roll around in the sheets.

2. There was a rumor that was saying that if you want to make love in the morning, it has to be between 7 a.m. and 8 a.m., otherwise you won’t have a productive day.

3. People were saying that the male members inflated like balloons.

4. Some people used to think that kissing on the lips made babies.

5. People used to believe that making love lasts all night.

6. Some people used to say that if the partners are using toys when they are intimate, the girl will certainly be pregnant soon.

7. Playing with oneself will surely make anyone doing it go blind.

8. People were thinking that when boys lost their virginity, it meant that their male organ will fell off.

9. Girls had nothing down there and when they needed to pee, a male member would come out of their backside.

10. Love-making education would be some sort of a training class that required beds in the classroom.

11. Some people used to believe that if a dog sees two partners who make love, he will get sick, eventually passing away. That’s why those who have pets are closing the door when they want to be intimate.

Photo by Vitalii Vodolazskyi from

12. A girl would get pregnant whenever a boy would touch her belly button.

13. Eating someone out involved a spoon.

14. The `big O` was some kind of plant.

15. The male seed would flow continuously, just like pee.

16. Condoms were like the black censor bars on TV. Imagine how that would work…

17. French kissing meant that the girl is going to get pregnant.

18. If you made love before you were 18, everyone around you would know that just by looking at you.

Photo by Stocker plus from

19. If a boy drank pineapple juice, his bedroom life would be better.

20. In order to have clear skin, you needed to have an active love life.

21. When girls lost their virginity before turning 18, they needed to keep this a secret.

22. If a young boy gets married to a virgin girl, they will never break up.

23. If you eat oysters, ginger and chocolate, you will surely get in ‘the mood’.

24. If you make love often, you won’t need to exercise anymore, because you’ll have a nice figure just by doing all that cardio.

25. If you stand up after you’ve just had made love, there is no chance that the girl will get pregnant.

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26. To make love meant to turn off the lights and then going to bed with your partner, holding hands, and just laying down.

27. If two people spent the night together after they made love, it meant that they will get married.

28. People used to believe that if a girl showers after making love, she’ll ruin her chance of getting pregnant.

29. Kisses on the forehead are the only ones that won’t make babies.

30. Some people thought that if a girl works out just right after she made love, the semen will come out of her body and she won’t make babies.

Photo by Roman Samborskyi from

31. A lot of people believed that if you don’t marry the person who you made love the first time, you will be single for quite a long time.

32. Some people used to say that you can only be ‘loving’ with your partner if you keep your eyes closed the entire time.

33. There was a rumor which was saying that if you made love before marriage, you won’t have a partner soon.

Oh, boy, what a time…

I’m wondering if today’s kids know about such weird misconceptions about making love. And even though they are not true, we still have to recognize that they are really funny.

Photo by Fieldwork from

Maybe it took us some serious time to find out that these are just some really funny things people are spreading around. Maybe a lot of people never believed this kind of myths, but we have to give Caesar what belongs to Caesar: people are really good at telling stories.

You can comment down below if when you were a believer or just a little storyteller and share your experience with us.

Have you ever heard any of these myths? Also, now it’s your turn to speak up. What other crazy s*x myths you used to believe as a kid?

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5 thoughts on “Myths About Sex We All Believed At Some Point”

  1. Some o f these were far out one other was you can tell the size of a manhood by the size of his foot NOT SO Thanks it was entertaining

  2. These were used to scare teens out of having sex, but what they did was actually push some to have sex to see if it was actually true. Hah and most of the shame was cast on the girl. Imagine that.

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