Myths About Sex We All Believed At Some Point

7. Playing with oneself will surely make anyone doing it go blind.

8. People were thinking that when boys lost their virginity, it meant that their male organ will fell off.

9. Girls had nothing down there and when they needed to pee, a male member would come out of their backside.

10. Love-making education would be some sort of a training class that required beds in the classroom.

11. Some people used to believe that if a dog sees two partners who make love, he will get sick, eventually passing away. That’s why those who have pets are closing the door when they want to be intimate.

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5 thoughts on “Myths About Sex We All Believed At Some Point”

  1. Some o f these were far out one other was you can tell the size of a manhood by the size of his foot NOT SO Thanks it was entertaining

  2. These were used to scare teens out of having sex, but what they did was actually push some to have sex to see if it was actually true. Hah and most of the shame was cast on the girl. Imagine that.

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