If Your Significant Other Is Asking You to Do These Things, They Don’t Care About You

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4. They ask you to overlook and forgive cheating.

As Dr. Walfish has explained, a partner that cheated on you just one time will likely do it again, and you’ll find yourself in the exact same situation where you have to forgive and forget. While it’s true that infidelity can be overcome through therapy and by seeking professional help as long as both partners are willing to fight for the relationship, it’s just not fair to expect that the other person will forget.

If your partner asks you to overlook cheating and expects you to just get over it, chances are they don’t love and respect you, and the relationship is likely to fail. Just because you said sorry, doesn’t mean it didn’t happen.

This can be even more damaging if your partner has cheated on you multiple times in your past, and infidelity is not something you can just forgive and forget, just because your partner said sorry.

Read also: Personality Traits Most Cheaters Have In Common.

As the saying goes ‘you can choose your friends but you can’t choose your family’, theirs on the other hand…..

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