12 Most Popular Sex Myths You Need to Stop Believing


Myth: You can tell who has an S T D

Now, that’s rich! As ridiculous as it may sound, many people believe you can tell if someone has an S T D simply by looking at them, says Robert Huizenga, MD, author of S*x, Lies & S T Ds. The fact of the matter is that people with S T Ds, most often, don’t have outward symptoms, especially not in the early stages. With zero symptoms, they might not even know they have something, much less you. The symptoms may appear later, not on your first date.

The best and healthiest approach when meeting someone new is for both of you to get medical screenings and be transparent with your partner, the doctor advises.

Instead of searching for S T D signs, you might want to know more about these 8 Secrets Your Body Language Reveals About You.

This next myth hasn’t aged well…..

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