12 Most Popular Sex Myths You Need to Stop Believing

Photo By Dima Sobko/Shutterstock

Myth: Oysters and chocolate are aphrodisiacs

Truth: Chocolate is one of the all-time favorite comfort foods, but many people believe it can also put you in the mood for love. While we cannot deny the fact that chocolate is delicious, sensuous and gives you a silky, smooth mouthfeel, there is no scientific evidence that it can boost your libido. Several studies, among which one research published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine, did link chocolate to lower blood pressure and better blood flow, but that’s about it in terms of its aphrodisiac effects.

Same goes for oysters. They are said to be the food of love, but their only connection with s*xual performance is that they are a very good source of zinc, a mineral that stimulates the production of healthy testosterone.

When do they find the time with this next myth…..

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