10 Common Foods That Don’t Get You ‘In the Mood’

Photo by Roman Samborskyi from shutterstock.com

6. Sodas

Sodas contain two of the things you should stay away from before you engage in any special activity with someone: sugar and bubbles. Even though you might think you feel better after consuming it, soda is actually not very beneficial for any bedroom time.

That is because it will make you more dehydrated, create dental pits, and it can make you feel gassy and stiff.

7. Licorice Tea

If you thought that licorice tea might help you reach your performance goals, you are actually wrong, because this tea contains some ingredients that can decrease your overall drive and desire. If you want to drink something that might help you, try green tea or black tea.

8. Alcohol

This one is controversial because there are many people who say that their performance increased due to alcohol consumption, while others stated that they felt sleepy and tired after drinking a few glasses.

Drinking too much alcohol before going into the bedroom can make men feel numb and neither of the partners will enjoy the activity. If you still want to consume something before this, make sure to stick to one or two drinks tops!

9. Cheese

Even though almost everyone loves cheese, it is better to limit your consumption if you want to impress your partner. That is because the majority of cheeses are made of cow milk, which has been treated with anti-microbial and artificial development chemicals.

This means that eating too much cheese can get you out of the mood or make you lazier in bed. Don’t worry, you can eat cheese afterwards!

10. Coffee

Coffee is great and delicious, but too much of it can do more harm than good! For instance, drinking 5 to 6 cups of espresso daily can damage your adrenal organs.

As a result, your organs will have to suffer, and their job will take longer. Besides that, too much caffeine can make pressure chemicals, which are not very healthy for you.

The sad thing is that you won’t be a very entertaining partner, but actually a jittery and anxious one. If you don’t want this to happen to you, make sure to stick to only 1 or 2 cups of espresso per day.

…We hoped you liked this article! If you want more subjects like this, make sure to leave a comment in the section down below! Before you go on about your day, here is another great piece of information for you: 9 Worst Things You Could Possibly Do In The Bedroom!

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