20 Efficient Ways to Improve Your Bedroom Life After 40

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5.The definition of intimacy can change over time

As you get older, your preferences in the bedroom can change, and it’s normal to like different things. Therefore, you need to redefine what intimacy means to you. According to Djordjevic, it’s very important to communicate with your partner and talk about your wishes without feeling embarrassed. Also, kissing, cuddling, and arousing shouldn’t get overlooked, as they’re also pretty fun.


6.Your partner needs reassurance outside the bedroom as well

According to Steven Reigns, LMFT, founder of Los Angeles-based Therapy for Adults, people need to feel desired, especially after 40. “This can create pressured situations where your partner’s every move and maneuver is scrutinized for proof that you are or you’re not attractive.”

In order to avoid this from happening, you need to keep reassuring your partner outside the bedroom. Try to compliment their looks, don’t hesitate to show affection when you’re out together, and make time for a romantic date once in a while.

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