25 Questions Everyone Should Be Able to Answer About Their Significant Other

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12.Does your partner like to cuddle when they sleep?

For a lot of people (especially men), this is a big no-no. Whether because it gets too hot or too uncomfortable, some people don’t like to cuddle while sleeping. But there are also those that cannot fall asleep without feeling their partner’s touch.

It’s important to understand which category does your partner falls into, is he/she a cuddler? Also, body language reveals a lot about a person and shows someone’s true emotions. But at the same time, it could also be a matter of preference and comfort, so don’t feel bad if your partner is not a cuddler.

But it’s important to know whether they want their space at night or they prefer cuddling with you, so you know how to act. Did you know that cuddling while sleeping is actually good for your body?

While cuddling, your body releases the hormone oxytocin that will help you bond with your significant other. Additionally, oxytocin is also known to relieve pain, boost your immune system, and relieve stress.

Here are 9 Signs You’re Dating the Right Person, According to Experts. 

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