25 Questions Everyone Should Be Able to Answer About Their Significant Other

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14.Does your partner love or hate their birthdays?

There are definitely two main categories when it comes to birthdays, there are those people that absolutely love it, and those who hate it, there’s no in-between. A perfect combo is when you’re both on the same page. If you love birthdays, you need a partner that loves to arrange surprises for you, just like Lily and Marshall from ‘How I Met Your Mother’.

But it’s also essential to know whether they love their birthday or not so you’re not throwing them a big surprise party if they hate this day.

Here are 10 Normal Fights Even Happy Couples Have. CLICK HERE to read more!


15.What relationship your partner has with their family?

It’s important to know what relationship your partner has with their family and how they feel about it, according to an OUT article. For instance, some people are very close with their families and have a very strong bond.

They visit their families all the time and talk for hours on the phone to catch up. However, there are also those people that are somewhere in between. They’re not very close but family is family, so they talk occasionally on the phone just to see how they’re doing.

This important detail could tell you a lot about your partner and you’ll also know from the start where you’ll be spending the holidays each year. Moreover, you won’t be surprised when your significant other is ignoring their mother’s calls.

Read also: 18 Obvious Signs That Indicate a Good First Date.

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