25 Questions Everyone Should Be Able to Answer About Their Significant Other

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16.What’s your partner’s biggest sexual fantasy?

While a lot of people find this topic awkward to discuss, it’s definitely something that can bring you two closer, according to sex counselor Michael Castleman. Also, your partner can’t read minds, so if you want your fantasy to become true, you need to make sure you’re talking to them about it.

Talking about this topic is also a sign that you’re trusting your partner and you’re in a healthy relationship where you can discuss anything, inside and outside the bedroom.

Make sure to also check: 10 Ways to Say “I Love You” Without Using Words.


17.What’s your partner’s ideal date night?

In order to keep the flame alive in a relationship, it would be helpful to surprise your partner with a date night once in a while. However, in order to have a successful date night, you need to know your partner very well and understand their idea of having fun.

While you might enjoy relaxing and intimate date nights, your partner might prefer something more fun and adventurous. In order to make every date as fun as possible for both of you, you need to make sure you’re discussing this topic with your partner and try to find activities that work for you everyone involved.

Here are 15 Useful Tips to Get Back Into Dating As a Senior. CLICK HERE to find out more!

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