25 Questions Everyone Should Be Able to Answer About Their Significant Other

© Envato

2.Is your partner allergic to anything?

According to OUT, being in a serious relationship means knowing everything about your partner, including whether or not they’re allergic to something. Knowing these details about someone is very important for their health and wellbeing, even when we’re talking about a mild allergy to peanuts or something more dangerous such as an allergy to a bee sting.

This will help you be prepared for a potential allergy reaction, know how to react to it and what to avoid. For instance, if your partner has a mild allergy to strawberries, you won’t include them in their dessert anytime soon.

Here are 27 Facts About Love That Will Brighten Your Day. CLICK HERE to find out more!


3.What’s your partner’s blood type?

Another important detail you need to make sure you know about your partner is their blood type, according to an Oprah article. While you might never have to use this information (if you’re lucky) it’s still important to know. This could be a lifesaver if they end up in the hospital and need a blood transfusion.

Read also: 10 Telltale Signs Your Partner Sees You As a Fling. 

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