25 Questions Everyone Should Be Able to Answer About Their Significant Other

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7.Who’s their celebrity crush?

While you might not like when your partner is talking about other people of the opposite sex, let’s face it, we all have that one celebrity crush and wish to get to meet them one day. Knowing which celebrity is your partner’s crush will tell you a lot about them.

If they don’t have a celebrity crush or you don’t want to hear about it, chances are they still have a dream guest, dead or alive, they would choose no matter what. In fact, knowing these things about your partner could help bring you two closer, even when it might seem unimportant at first, according to Psychology Today.

If you don’t know the answer to these questions, you could always ask them, it will certainly be an interesting topic to discuss. So now it’s up to you whether you ask them about their celebrity crush or a famous person they would love to have dinner with if they had the chance. Make sure to share who’s on the top of your list, as well.

Read also: 6 Things YOU Learn After Moving In With Your Partner. 

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