25 Questions Everyone Should Be Able to Answer About Their Significant Other

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10.What’s your partner’s career goal?

Another very important aspect you should know about your partner is their career goal, both short and long-term, according to Business Insider. Knowing your partner’s future career goals will help you understand them better, but you’ll also manage to have a more profound insight into their interests and needs.

As Holly Parker, practicing psychologist, Harvard lecturer, PhD, and author of ‘If We’re Together, Why Do I Feel So Alone?’ has explained, “An awareness of your partner’s career goals gives you a glimpse of their dreams and aspirations, which can not only help you know your partner better but also provide you with another gauge of your compatibility.”

Make sure to also check: How to Build Stronger Relationships in 2021, According to Experts.


11.What’s your partner’s way of saying ‘I love you’?

People are usually saying ‘I love you’ through actions, so even when you might want to hear these three words more often, it’s important to understand that actions speak louder than words.
According to Babble, your partner’s way of showing you how much they love you is very important for the well-being of the relationship. In fact, SheKnows has explained that there are five love languages you should pay attention to, including words of affirmation, gifts, quality time, physical touch, and acts of service.

Maybe your partner is the kind that brings you flowers for no reason or buys you something they think you might like every time they have to go to the mall. Or, your partner might be more into giving you kisses, hugs, and touching you constantly.

But no matter how your partner chooses to show you how much you mean to them, it’s important to understand their love language and see the meaning behind these gestures. Flowers aren’t just flowers, it’s their unique way of saying ‘I love you’ without using words.

Read also: 19 Expert-Recommended Ways to Be a More Thoughtful and Proactive Partner. 

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