9 Common Problems You Might Have With Your In-Laws


However, when you’re discussing a topic as sensitive as this with your partner, you need to make sure you’re not saying the wrong things out of anger, after all, it’s their parents you’re talking about. Fighting fire with fire is not an option.

What you can do, is ask them why they’re acting like this when you’ve done nothing wrong, and tell them that you’re not okay with how they’re treating you. Having an open conversation with them will help you find a common ground that works for both of you and find a way to have a healthy relationship since you’re now family.

If you had the conversation and they’re still acting very rude towards you, try to give them space and limit the time you’re spending around them. While it’s normal to respect your in-laws, you need to accept the fact that sometimes you just can’t have the relationship you always wanted. You can’t be friends with someone if you’re not feeling the connection, and that’s OK.

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