23 Things American Parents Usually Do and the Rest of the World Doesn’t

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4. We get back to work after we give birth

Here in the United States, we’re used to giving birth and then going back to work soon after. However, in other European countries, such as France and Sweden, there’s paid parental leave for both mothers and fathers.

However, here in America, employers do not provide paid leave for new parents. If you want to understand how other countries handle this situation, well, in Belgium each parent has 4 months paid leave with their newborn.

Moreover, in Austria, Romania and other European countries, there’s a two-year paid leave, where one of the parents can raise their child until it turns two, and if they want to get back to work sooner, they’ll receive a bonus.

Make sure to also check: 9 Ways To Survive Your Dysfunctional Family Over the Holidays.

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