15 Unmistakable Signs You’re Falling In Love

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I think we can all agree that falling in love is a fantastic feeling. Those butterflies, the intense and overwhelming feelings, the emotions, the ‘I can’t wait to see you again’ moments are priceless. But sometimes it can be hard to know if you’re in love or not, and it’s not like you can call Cupid and ask his opinion.

While falling in love is a different experience for everyone, there are some common signs that could indicate you’re falling for someone. From constantly thinking about them to feeling sad when they’re sad and dreaming of a future together, there are a lot of signs that could prove you’re crazy in love.

Read on to find the 15 unmistakable signs that prove you’re indeed falling in love.


You want cuddles rather than sex

You know you’re in love with someone when you just want to be emotional and cuddle with them all night. According to relationship and dating expert Nicole Moore, the fact that you would prefer to cuddle with them and be romantic instead of having a sexy time show that you’re truly in love with them, and it is indeed the best feeling in the world.

She also added that just laying on your partner’s chest will make you feel as euphoric as a hot, steamy night would make you feel. So if you’re very excited about a cuddling session and you don’t want to ever leave their arms, you’re very, very in love.

Interested in finding out more facts about relationships? Also read 14 Signs of a Strong and Healthy Relationship, According to Psychologists.


You can’t get them out of your head

I’m sure that everyone has experienced at least once in their lifetime a situation where they couldn’t think of anything else than a certain individual. When we’re in love, we unite with the other person to the point where we can’t get them out of our heads, and they’re all we think about.

Being in love makes our serotonin levels drop off considerably, which explains why we feel like we have our heads in the clouds when we’re newly in love because serotonin is a neurotransmitter responsible for mood fluctuations. Without the serotonin that helps us be stable, we experience a dopamine rush that makes us ‘crave’ the other person even more.

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Everything feels very easy

You know you’re in love when you don’t have to force anything because everything seems so easy and natural. You don’t feel the need to control the situation, the things between you two aren’t complicated and everything goes smoothly.

While it’s true that relationships take work and effort when you’re in love you want to be doing this work, and it doesn’t feel like a burden.

Dating someone new? Read more about the 18 Obvious Signs That Indicate a Good First Date.


You’re talking about the future

And just like that, you start talking about the future without even realizing it. You start planning future vacations together, you buy tickets to a concert that’s going to take place in a few months, or talk about how your future kids are going to look like.

You make future plans because you like them, and you know (and hope) they’re going to be around. If making future plans doesn’t scare you, it’s a great sign that you’re in love and things are going forward.

Research has shown that daydreaming is a healthy part of every relationship, and if both of you share the same dreams, you will have a deeper connection, a strong bond, and inner peace knowing that the relationship is going to last.


Time flies when you’re together

When you’re in love, time flies when you’re with that person, and even if you get to spend hours together, it still feels like it’s not enough. The same happens when we’re doing something we enjoy.

“You are in the flow when you are with them,” explains chartered psychologist Daria Kuss, “so you won’t notice the ticking clock when you spend time together”.

If you want to have a long and healthy relationship, click here to see the 8 Things You Should Tell Your Partner Every Day.

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You might experience insomnia and loss of appetite

When you’re in love, you might find yourself unable to eat or sleep, that’s because you’re always thinking about the other person, and the butterflies will make you feel restless. While it sounds like a cliché, it’s actually scientifically proven that these symptoms do exist when you’re newly in love.

While being in love is a fantastic feeling, it will also make you feel very vulnerable, which can be a little scary. As a result, your adrenal glands will release cortisol, known as the stress hormone, which can lead to a loss of appetite. Additionally, high levels of cortisol can also contribute to insomnia.


You miss them when they’re not around

You are indeed in love with someone when you miss them after spending only one day apart. And it’s not just a romantic thing to say, you can actually feel the pain when they’re not around.

While this can feel weird, especially if you’re not the romantic type, it’s a normal part of every healthy relationship. So, congrats, you’re in love!

Do you have problems in understanding men and their behavior? Click here to read 15 Dating Secrets Men Don’t Like to Acknowledge.


You let go of your usual activities

According to dating psychologist Madeleine Mason Roantree, when you’re in love and you enjoy spending time with that person, your brain’s reward system makes you want more and more.

You’ll probably want to spend as much time with them as possible, even though you have to abandon some of your usual activities, such as going to the gym, reading a book, girls’ night Friday and so on. Instead, you’ll try the activities they like, just because you want to spend time with them.

“For example, you may detest salsa, but find yourself enrolling on a salsa course, even if they are not on the course because you feel closer to them by proxy,” explains Mason Roantree. “It also gives you something else you can talk to them about, and perhaps it’s a way to entice them to get closer to you.”

According to a 1995 study that analyzed college students’ behavior, those who were in love were more likely to try certain activities, hobbies, and more open to trying new things. So if you’re in a relationship and you are interested in your partner’s football team, you’re definitely in love.

While falling in love is a great feeling, make sure you’re not addicted to it. Click here to read about the 12 Signs You May Have a Love Addiction.

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You give them your full attention

When something is real, you can’t deny it. According to Sadie Allison, PhD, a sex educator and founder of GoLove CBD lube, when you’re in love, the other person will get your full attention and there’s nothing else more important.

You will find it very easy to listen to them, show interest, and maintain eye contact with them while they’re talking. You forget to look at your phone because the conversation is so captivating.

Thinking about an outstanding date idea to surprise your partner? Click here to see 15 Amazing First Date Ideas for People Over 40.


You want them to meet your family

You know it’s real when you want to introduce them to your family. According to Sadie Allison, it’s definitely more than a little crush when you’re feeling comfortable with them being around your family members.

So if you’re planning on inviting them to spend the holidays at your parents’ house, Cupid hit you again. You feel like you love them already, but you don’t want to say the words? Here are 10 Ways to Say “I Love You” Without Using Words.


You’re not interested in dating other people

Being in love is like being blind or having eyes only for your partner. According to Allison, when you’re freshly in love, you no longer feel the need to have other backup crushes, because you’re so confident that this one will be enough.

Especially if you were used to going on a lot of dates, and meeting new people before meeting your partner, noticing that you no longer feel the need to date other people is a good indicator that love is in your air.

Make sure to also read the 10 Surprising Signs Your Partner is a Keeper.

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You’re starting to trust them slowly

Maybe you had your heart broken before, or an ex that left you with trust issues and you finally meet someone that doesn’t make trust seem scary, you’re falling in love. Additionally, if the thought that they might hurt you doesn’t pop into your head, that means your feeling are real and they’re about to last.

Also read 10 Signs You Can Totally Trust Your Partner if you want to find out if your partner is trustworthy.


You even like doing chores together

At the beginning of a relationship, everything is more fun, even chores. When you’re newly in love, you like spending time with them, so even doing chores is a fun activity, as long as you do it together.

When you’re with your loved one, paying the bills, stopping for gas, and doing grocery shopping will be as fun as doing other interesting activities together. Or not really, but you get the idea.
“You like doing simple things together: running errands, going for a run, cooking dinner,” explains Allison. “Their company alone is enough to make the time enjoyable.”

Make sure to also check 10 Signs Your Relationship Is Solid as a Rock.

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You no longer think about your ex

Remember that ex you used to be stuck on? Me neither. If you no longer feel the need to stalk your ex’s social media account just to see what they’re been up to or you never think about them anymore, then you finally moved on.

As psychiatrist and mental health consultant Rhonda Mattox, MD, likes to say, if you’re no longer stuck on trolling your ex’s Facebook or Instagram account, you’re prepared to create new memories with your new partner.

Social media makes trusting people even harder than it already was. Click here to read more about the 18 Social Media Habits That Are Still Considered Cheating.


Everything reminds you of them

Oh, air… they love breathing, too. Every time you go to the grocery store and see something they like, you immediately think of them, and the same goes for the thing they don’t like. No matter where you go, they’re always on your mind, and that’s because you’re madly in love, my friend.

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