16 Ways to Get Over a Breakup and Really Move On

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13.Do not forget about the red flags in the relationship.

After breaking up, some people tend to forget about the red flags just because they miss the other person, or want them back. In order to make sure you’re not forgetting about the things that contributed to the separation, Reardon recommends making a list of all the red flags in your relationship.

Write down all the issues that you chose to ignore throughout the relationship, even though you knew they were red flags. According to research, choosing to think about the negative aspects of a relationship rather than focusing on the positive ones will help you move on faster, even though it might put you in a bad mood at first.

This list has proven to be very effective, especially in those times where you miss them or feel sad. You just take the list and read all the red flags, then you remember why you broke up and why it would never have worked out with them anyway. This will help you realize that you deserve more from a partner and you’ll certainly meet that person someday.

While breakups are hard and painful, they teach you a lot of important lessons and contribute to your personal growth, making you understand what to do in order to never be in a similar situation ever again.

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