16 Ways to Get Over a Breakup and Really Move On

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When someone you love is no longer part of your life, it’s tempting to throw yourself a pity party and never want to leave your house again. While it’s ok to take a week off to cry and mourn, you probably know already that you can’t do that forever.

According to Orbuch, you need to find new activities that take your mind off things, so volunteering might be a great idea when you’re going through a hard time. It will give you the opportunity to help others while making you forget about your own problems. Also, volunteering has been linked to lowering depression and increasing satisfaction.

You can try volunteering at animal shelters, nursing homes, hospitals, Red Cross, National Parks, and even Churches. You will definitely get a lot of joy and satisfaction from helping others.

Here are 9 Signs Your Relationship Is Doomed. Read more HERE!

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