16 Ways to Get Over a Breakup and Really Move On


According to Jane Reardon, LMFT, founder of the app Rx Breakup, “For one thing, the pool of good potential partners shrinks as people pair off (and stay paired off) in their twenties and thirties.”

But it’s also worth acknowledging that the stakes are higher when you’re an adult, explains Reardon. According to science, most people aren’t ready for a long-term commitment until after their mid-twenties, so this explains why people tend to get over a breakup faster when they’re young. Also, as you get older, breakups begin to hurt more and hit you harder, and that’s because you were probably looking for something serious and you have to start over again now.

Additionally, breakups can hurt you so much that you feel it in your entire body. According to research, the physical effects of a breakup are very real, and that’s because our brain activates the areas associated with actual pain. Also, science has also proven that the so-called ‘broken heart syndrome’ is very much real and it feels like a heart attack.

But there’s no need to lose hope because even if you’re an adult, you can still get over a breakup by following the next moves. Read on to find out how to get over a breakup and really move on!

Make sure to also check: How to Build Stronger Relationships in 2021, According to Experts.

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