16 Ways to Get Over a Breakup and Really Move On

© Envato.com

5.Refresh your home.

After eliminating the triggers and throwing away their things and everything that reminded you of the relationship, refreshing your home is the next step to help you move on even faster, explains Reardon.

You probably always wanted to do a little makeover but never got to actually do it. Well, now is the perfect time to add some new items to your place, paint the walls, or even the furniture if you’re looking for a big change.

A little refresh in your home is a great way to improve your mental health and start fresh. After all, we spend a lot of time in our homes, especially right now because of COVID, so we want to make sure we feel the most comfortable through the healing process.

Make sure to also check: The Words That Can Ruin Your Relationship, According to Experts.

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