16 Ways to Get Over a Breakup and Really Move On

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7.Reach out to your friends.

After a painful breakup, you probably need all the support you can get, so reaching out to your friends or family members might be a good way to remind yourself that you are loved. Additionally, those who love you will be there for you to take your mind off things. Plan fun activities to do with your friends and never look back.

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8.Take the time to rediscover old interests and hobbies.

According to Gary Lewandowski, Ph.D., a psychology professor at Monmouth University who delivered the TED Talk, ‘Breakups Don’t Have to Leave You Broken’, you need to ask yourself what did you love doing when you were younger and what you had to let go in order to have time for a serious relationship. Take the time to rediscover old interests and hobbies, and why not start doing them again.

It’s all about rediscovering your old self, which has proven very successful in moving on, as it allows you to create your own identity outside the relationship. Moreover, his research around this topic has proven that rediscovering old interests is actually more effective than finding new interests, and that’s because there’s no guarantee you’ll actually like those new activities, and they might not go hand in hand with your personality.

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