9 Common Problems You Might Have With Your In-Laws


6.Your in-laws are not very friendly.

When you get married, the goal is to have a very good relationship with your in-laws and see them as an extra set of loving parents. However, that’s not the case for a lot of people, especially if their in-laws are not as friendly and welcoming as they would want them to be.

Maybe they appear to be very cold, unfriendly, and even rude at times. And maybe you even heard them saying mean things about you and your family, or they’re comparing you to your spouse’s ex-partner. But what can you do to end this not-so-great situation?

The first and most important thing you can do is letting your partner know about their parents’ behavior. Also, don’t forget to mention that they’re hurting your feeling and put you in uncomfortable situations all the time. It would be ideal if they will speak with their parents about you and ask them to be nicer.

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