21 Relationship Goals for 2021

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2020 was indeed a tough year for humankind because of COVID-19. Some of us lost their loved ones, others lost their jobs, and some relationships ended because of quarantine. While some spend too much time indoors with their partners last year, others were forced to spend the quarantine apart, in different cities or even states.

But no matter how hard 2020 was, we finally managed to make it to the end and now people want to set new goals for 2021. Just because we’re still living in a pandemic doesn’t mean we’re not allowed to set some relationship goals for the year that has come.

Here are 9 Little Ways to Show Affection to Your Significant Other.

And now more than ever, without all the fun activities, the nightlife, partying, and vacations, you and your significant other need to find new ways to entertain, love, and support each other. While it’s not recommended to travel in the near future, you can find new hobbies for you and your partner, go dancing or learn to play an instrument, start a sports lesson or learn how to cook your favorite dish at home. It’s up to you, you just have to be creative.

Additionally, quarantine has taught us that you can’t run away anymore. Had a fight? You can’t go to have a drink with your friends or run to your parents’ house to sleep overnight. You had to learn to talk to your partner and solve your problems, because running away is no longer an option during the pandemic, especially for couples that live together.

But remember, even though you grew and changed a lot in 2020, so did love, you just have to give it a chance. Read on to see the 21 relationship goals or 2021!

Make sure to also check: 19 Expert-Recommended Ways to Be a More Thoughtful and Proactive Partner.

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