Breaking up is not exactly a good experience, even when it’s what you want. Most people want to get rid of anything that belongs to their ex as soon as they break up, and for a good reason, because seeing their clothes or old couple photos might be too much to handle. So we choose to throw away the photos, clothes, and any other reminders from the time you were together, including their old T-shirt you loved sleeping in.
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And that’s more common than you’d think. In fact, dating app Plenty of Fish has released its annual list of dating trends, and apparently, getting rid of your ex’s things is among the most common. There are many reasons for which you might be tempted to delete and throw away anything that reminds you of them, including all the photos on social media.
Read on to discover why it’s actually healthy to delete everything and move on, according to relationship experts!
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No one likes to hear those ‘where’s your significant other?’ questions.
While those who ask these types of questions might have pure intentions, it’s definitely not very nice having to answer that as soon as you break up and you might still be suffering. Therefore, deleting every trace of the relationship from all social media accounts might be a good solution to stop all those uncomfortable questions. Why Can’t I Get Over a Fling? Experts Have the Answer.
According to Canwen Xu of the Iris dating app, “Cleansing your social media can serve as a subtle announcement that the two of you are done.”
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You can reinvent yourself.
After getting out of a relationship, most people are looking forward to starting a new chapter, meeting new people and reinvent themselves. According to relationship expert and matchmaker Rori Sassoon, after a breakup, anyone would want to ‘redo, restart and reinvent themselves.
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“Once you break up, it’s not about the relationship anymore; it’s about you and your next chapter in life, which doesn’t include that other person. So there’s no need to keep broadcasting to the world your now-expired relationship by leaving those photos up for everyone to see on social media,” Sassoon explained.
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Additionally, according to sex educator, sex and love coach, and writer Suzannah Weiss, a good start would be having a partner-free social media account as a way to move on. If you’re no longer keeping the old couple photos with your ex, it means you’re ready to move on and you’re allowing new people to enter your life.
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It helps you get rid of those bad memories.
Rarely does a relationship end in a good manner, where people are polite to each other and respect each other’s decision. Most of the time, especially after escaping a toxic, abusive relationship, you’d probably want to get rid of everything that reminds you of your ex, including the bad memories, explains Weiss.
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“Some people sanitize their social media to remove reminders of a hurtful experience,” says Xu. That’s why deleting old photos and throwing their things away can feel like therapy for some people. When you choose to delete your couple photos from your social media, you’re also saying bye-bye to painful memories, and hello to new ones. And also, it means you’re ready to move on, find someone new and love again, who knows, maybe this time you’ll find your forever partner.
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You can gain closure.
After breaking up, it might be tempting to ‘stalk’ your ex on social media just to see how they’re doing without you, but trust me, you don’t want to go there because it’s a tricky game that is very hard to escape. And it’s also not so easy moving on when you’re opening the social media app and you’re seeing them every day.
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“It’s hard to think of something other than your ex when your Instagram profile is full of cute couple photos,” says Xu. By deleting those photos you’re allowing yourself to start new, you’re moving on and gaining closure.
It’s like closing a chapter and starting a new one. But that doesn’t mean it’s always easy, especially if you’re still suffering or clinging to the idea that you’ll get back together one day.
According to marriage counselor Wyatt Fisher, PhD, in order to heal and move on, you need closure. And deleting the ‘remains’ of your relationship from social media is a good start to achieve it.
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It means you’re single and ready to meet new people.
If you keep all of your old photos with your ex, people will assume you’re still in a relationship and it would be almost impossible to meet new people and move on. It could also be a sign that you’re not ready to start fresh yet, but that’s ok, everyone has their own pace.
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But if you feel like you’re ready to meet someone new and find love again, why not delete those photos, sanitize your social media profile and find new opportunities to start fresh.
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