The Words That Can Ruin Your Relationship, According to Experts

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According to Darcie Brown, LMFT, using the word ‘should’ could also make your partner feel like you’re trying to gain control over the relationship and over them. And we all know by now that we tend to want to get out of a relationship when it starts feeling overwhelming and too controlling.

“From one partner to another, ‘should’ is typically a way of imposing one’s values on the other,” Darcie Brown says. She also added that ‘should’ is doing more harm than good in a relationship because it’s like saying ‘I know better than you’ or ‘we should do it my way’. A relationship needs teamwork to function properly, but it also needs individuality, and when you say ‘I know better than you’ you’re taking away their power and the ability to determine the course of action.

However, there are many other words that are powerful enough to destroy a relationship. Read on to discover some of them and try not to use them when talking to your partner!

See also: 7 Signs It Might Be Time to Move On.

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