The Words That Can Ruin Your Relationship, According to Experts



According to relationship expert Jaime Bronstein, LCSW, ‘always’ is an absolute that should be avoided in a relationship. While many of us use this word all the time when talking to our partner, only a few know that it can ruin a relationship when used frequently. Make sure to also check: 19 Expert-Recommended Ways to Be a More Thoughtful and Proactive Partner.

According to Bronstein, it’s normal to feel a little angry or upset when your partner is leaving their clothes on the floor or not doing something you asked them to do. However, Bronstein says, you have to consider the fact that they’re probably not leaving their clothes on the floor every day, so there’s no need to use such a powerful word as ‘always’.

Let your partner mess up once in a while, it’s normal after all to be messy and imperfect. The fact that they’re not always how you want them to be doesn’t have anything to do with you.

Here are 9 Little Ways to Show Affection to Your Significant Other.

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