21 Relationship Goals for 2021

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Find new hobbies.

Quarantine has transformed us all into couch potatoes, so it’s fair to say that our routine has changed a lot from the pre-pandemic life. We’re now ordering takeout and watching movies and TV shows all day long, but no matter how interesting Game of Thrones can be, it’s still important to find the time to do some fun activities and find new hobbies. You can join an online book club, learn a foreign language, or do a 30-minute workout every day.

Here are 9 Signs You’re Dating the Right Person, According to Experts.


Play hooky.

2020 was a very hard year for all of us, so we can all agree that we deserve a mental health day in 2021. A goal for this year would be prioritizing your wellbeing, free time, rest, and spontaneity. You can learn how to have a relaxed day and still be spontaneous from time to time, you just have to be creative.


Choose wisely the time spent together!

Just because we’re living in a global pandemic doesn’t mean we’re just supposed to sit around all day, watching movies, ordering takeout, and do nothing else together. You can do fun stuff and still be safe, especially now that the outside world has moved online.

You can always spice things up with an online cooking class, visit a museum online, start a DIY art project for your home, or have a Zoom party with your closest friends. While it can be tempting to just sit on the couch and watch Netflix all day, it’s also important to do things that bring you joy. After all, the couch will still be there when you finish your fun activities.

See also: 8 Little Signs That Your Partner Loves You Big Time.

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