21 Relationship Goals for 2021

© Shutterstock

You’re allowed to say ‘NO’.

Before the pandemic, we all used to say ‘YES’ to things and activities we really didn’t feel like doing and then tried to convince our partners into joining us. But in 2021 it’s time to learn to say ‘NO’ to the things you don’t like. You no longer need to feel pressured into going out with the people you don’t like or do activities that don’t speak to your soul.

2021 should be about setting boundaries when you need to and learning to accept them even when it’s not easy. You don’t have to participate in every friend meeting, you don’t have to go our if you don’t want to, or even attend every family Zoom party.

Experts Say These 10 Long-Distance Dating Tips Really Work. Find out more HERE!


Keep things between you and your significant other.

What happens in your relationship is your business and yours only. You do not need approval from your family, your friends or other people who are not leaving your life. While it’s important to have people in your life that love and support you, your relationship should be between you and your partner.


Be someone who listens and remembers!

For a relationship to be successful, you need to be a good listener and someone who remembers even the smallest details about your significant other. Now is the perfect time to ask them how their business meeting went or hear about their colleague’s drama. By being a good listener you’ll make your partner feel loved, appreciated, and understood.

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