21 Relationship Goals for 2021

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But understand what you’re fighting for.

Before starting a huge fight over the most insignificant stuff, you need to make sure you understand why you’re fighting for. Did they leave their clothes on the floor or forgot to take out the trash? Or are you fighting about not feeling loved, respected, or a priority? The first step in solving the problem is understanding what you’re actually fighting about.

Make sure to also check: 10 Ways to Say “I Love You” Without Using Words.


But you still need some ‘me’ time.

While it’s very important to have common hobbies and activities you love doing together, it’s still normal to not like the same things all the time. You might love doing a workout Zoom class while your partner is not very sporty, or they love watching a trashy TV show you find rather boring. After months of quarantine and a lot of hours spent together, prioritize your ‘me’ time and understand that it’s ok to do things without your partner, too.


Do not forget about the small gestures that mean the most.

Expensive gifts and romantic declarations are cool, but love can be bought. It’s the small gestures that mean the most, like sending a ‘Thinking about you’ text in the middle of the day when you’re busy, cooking your partner’s favorite meal, bringing someone a cup of coffee, or simply doing the dishes to help your partner.

See also: 14 Signs of a Strong and Healthy Relationship, According to Psychologists.

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